Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 46: So Sew!

So our November challenge comes to an end today. We have been 30 days strong for this challenge of cloth diapering and well I have fallen in love. Of course there has been a trial and error period, between choosing the proper fit, to double or not double the stuffing, finding the best way to wash, but all in all Bum Genius has made CD a breeze and I can't believe that I let my consumerism antics not let me do this sooner. Whenever some one asks me about my dipes, I could just go on about how fabulous they are...I should just become their poster person for an infomercial!

Many steer away from CD'ing just because of fear of smell and what to do with dirty dipes when you are out. Hey, I was definitely one of these people and well even though I know better now, I am still paranoid. For those of you whom I do see on a regular basis, please don't think I am crazy if I am doing a sniff test! But honestly, unlike disposables, I can't tell if my child poops or not in these unless he is uneasy and a crank-a-potomus!

So what do I do with those dirty dipes? "They" make these wonderful things called wet bags. A wet bag is like a shower curtain turned bag. Some are fancy with cloth and patterns, but they are great...and not just for CD'ing. Potty training, these are a breeze to keep your car from smelling not-so-fresh or having to throw out your child's favorite pair of ummm....Nemo underpants. Going to the pool, you don't have to have be a kid to get some use out of a wet bag, throw your wet bathing suit in and go.

Now I love wet bags, I don't love their prices. Some may find them reasonable, but for this thrifty mama, not so much. So, after gazing at the $15 for a single solitary, as Monk would say "tippy tiny" one that would fit a sandwich in it, I decided that hey my mom has a spare sewing machine just laying around, and I just give it a go.

Disclosure: Keep in mind that I am a consumerism reformist. I know what a sewing machine looks like, and as for the term "sewing machine" I knew what it was supposed to things together, but as for touching one...NEVER.

I found a how-to online, but I needed the appropriate fabric. Yep, appropriate fabric. I marched my 2 children in to the fabric store and took a minor look around and was overwhelmed by the selections of the NOT what I was there for fabric. I politely walked up to the the fabric goddess standing behind the counter and asked them for PUL fabric. I pronounced the word like I knew what I was talking about, however I believe I should have spelled it. So yes, I looked like a complete A*S.  So I spent $25 in there. I walked out with 3 different PUL fabrics, 3 zippers and a how-to make baby things book. Determination was on my mind. I was going to make 3 sizeable wet bags for the price I would have paid for 1!

Off to Grandma's we went. I figured that having my whole crafty family around, Great-Aunts who have sewed before and my mom and Grandma, this whole making your own wet bag would be a breeze. Well, picture this...

Day 1 of Sewing your own wet bag...
my children playing quietly in the living room...awesome...
me, my mom, my grandma, and my great-aunt sitting at the kitchen table...awesome conversation
one fairly new-age sewing machine with manual making its way to the table...awesome
After 5 minutes we figured out how to take the cover off. Yes 4 women. 3 who have sewed before.
We looked at this new-age fandangled thing...mystified. Where was the thread supposed to go?
OK. Manual out. Thread threaded. How does it turn on? Manual out again. How does it... Manual out.

After an hour of going back to the manual and me asking what is bobbin and why do I need it and how do I do this. Getting responses just do and I haven't sewn in 30 years, I don't know how to use this has too many buttons, you should just order a wet bag online...I'll pay for it...we threw in the towel and I was left with "if you are this need to read the whole manual". Ok. I'll do that and did.

Day 2 of Sewing your own wet bag...

However, after reading the manual I kind know what the machine actually does and what buttons I need to push to get it to do what I need. But actual sewing things, such a different story. Where were my accomplices? No where. They scattered. One credit card lay on the table with note "Please use me to buy as many wet thingy's as needed." How nice and how dysfunctional at the same time. Sewing is supposed to be something that is passed down from generation to generation I thought and I have been left "with...out...the bag!"So hello internet. Not to buy but to DYI. I wasn't about to let this machine beat me. My first bag turned out like a sleeve but it is holding. The second much better and hello my professional looking third one! Determination! Hey, I even made my own sandwich size snack bags! I feel that I have gotten so good at making bags that everyone is going to get one for Christmas! What's even better...I still have all of my fingers and no fabric attached anywhere to my body!


  1. Proud of you! Determination is the key word, I don't know if I could have avoided caving to the credit card. When you get really good, you could always turn this into an Etsy shop idea. ;-)

  2. Aww, Nemo undies! Still full of regrets even though they wouldnt fit anymore. N wants a wet bag for Christmas! He says may a blow outs are a comin!

  3. Good for you. I have not even considered cloth diapering for this second one, but maybe I should. We are all about saving $$ over here! As for sewing, it was so funny to read this as I just bought a sewing machine on sale Black Friday. Much like you, I have lots of family around to hem my pants, etc, but just feel like I should be able to do it myself. Especially with 2 kids. I have paid plenty of $$ over the past few years to have someone hem pants for me. What a waste. I'm glad your third bag turned out great! Now maybe you will be able to sew lots of other stuff, which goes back to your quest! :)

  4. Thanks Michelle! I am welcome to any tips!
    Amanda, I thought you would like the Nemo undies! I think I can accomplish your wet bag for Mr. N!

  5. Ok, now you can give me lessons.
