Thursday, January 3, 2013

Out with 2012

2012 was a whirlwind for our family. So for a year in quick review, lets see how it went!

Cloth Diapering became a success, well except the fact that we forgot to take teething into consideration and had our ups and downs! We bought a total of 5 packs of disposables since our quest into cloth land commenced.

Potty Training Success: We have completely trained day and night! Woo Hoo props to Monk for no more turds!

Getting Crafty: We implemented an entire month to doing crafts and using what was around the house, rather than going out and buying the stuff to do it. We had fun, the kids had fun and better yet...Michaels' didn't see a dime!

As for the goals for the Pantry, Freezer and Decluttering...

We moved three times! Once in June, from our humble abode in Raleigh which we had lived in for 6 years! Again at the end of September, from our ever so lead paint poisoning row house in Old Town into a storage unit. And finally, we moved into our new house in Alexandria, Virginia November 1st. Mr. BBH took a job in DC with ABC. Other than our housing mishaps, it's been a good move for us as a family. We get to spend so much more time together and his schedule absolutely rocks!

Moral of the story, we found out that we can fit our entire life of a family of 4 into a 10 x 30 storage unit and have plenty of room to spare. Everything but the freezer and pantry food stock went in. We successfully cleared out our pantry 5 times this year! Granted 3 of those times, were completely unplanned for, but success! As for the freezer, well we only have some soup and steak left in it, and's still at my cousin's house awaiting pick up. Gosh do I miss it, I just don't understand how people can live without one. This has really made stocking up on meats and veggies more of a hardship. Why, one thing we did not take into affect was the cost of living increase with our grocery bill. We have had to double our monthly spending of $200 a month on groceries. I still can't fathom sometimes when I am grocery-ing how much things, even with coupons are here! Some items are double the price!

I know that some maybe curious as to how Christmas spending went for us... well the receipts have not been tallied, but we did so much shopping online! But as for my money saving adventures, I got ripped off by UPS and USPS for those packages we had to mail! But in my humble thrifty ways, I had to call a friend of mine and tell her not to let her son be around when our box of Christmas gifts came. We had them delivered to her house and well the company I ordered from who shall not be named...OOPS AMAZON, wanted $20 for Gift Wrapping, I asked her to wrap it for me. Corny and cheap I know, but that would have been 1/4 tank of gas to be able to go and visit them!

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